Propuesta de Escalamiento Inglés con propósitos profesionales – Group A

Hello everyone and Welcome to the e-learning English course at Consultoría Global!

I am excited to welcome you to this online educational experience that will provide you with the opportunity to improve your English language skills for professional purposes. Throughout this course, we will explore together the fundamental aspects of English while working in an IT environment so we’ll approach vocabulary through the practice of listening comprehension and spoken activities. Our goal is to create an interactive and stimulating learning environment that allows you all to develop confidence and fluency in the language for the correct performance in a meeting.

In-Company English Training Strategy for professional purposes to strengthen the skills of CG collaborators. The modality will be B-learning (blended learning) or hybrid that involves one asynchronous hour of content per week (3 weeks) on a LMS platform plus a synchronous hour the last week of the month with Félix Cancelado.

The escalation strategy aims to characterize each of the collaborators through a survey using a Placement Test. Likewise, it seeks to improve employee engagement both with CG and with the IT projects of which they are part.

Teaching-learning process- Monthly-

  • 3 asynchronous meetings through LMS e-learning campusfelixcancelado
  • 1 synchronous meeting in week 4 with a teacher.


Weekly online topic reinforcement resource by my educational app called TizApp.


There is bimonthly feedback on the teaching-learning-evaluation process through evidence (test), to have comparisons with subsequent bimesters and a semiannual exam to raise the level. Everything is in accordance with specific objectives of the role played within the organization.

  • Bimonthly test for follow-up.
  • Semi-annual exam to level up.


Once the level is approved, you get the certification that describes the professional skills to perform in an IT environment, according to MCER.

  1. Placement: February 15-21 – link here
  2. First general meeting one to one: February 29, at 16h (argentinian time zone)
  3. Breaking out groups: February 21-28
  4. Credentials: February 29, given via e-mail
  5. Posting of e-learning classes in March: March 4,11,18 (you can complete them during the month).
  6. First meeting face to face: March 25-29

I look forward to embarking on this educational journey with you and helping you achieve your language goals!

Best regards,

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